This page presents book publications by or with Colin Edward Egan. Colin’s research focuses on globalization dynamics and their implications for business and society. The books listed below span three decades of rapidly changing developments in international business environments and strategies during an era described by Professor Peter Drucker as The Age of Discontinuity.
During his academic career to date, Colin has published over thirty journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters in subject domains encompassing international business, global strategic management, marketing, branding, and innovation.
Book Publications
Egan, C. E., & McKiernan, P. (1992). Global Business Strategies.
Coventry: University of Warwick.
Egan, C. E., & McKiernan, P. (1993). Inside Fortress Europe: Strategies for the Single Market.
London: Addison-Wesley/Economist Intelligence Unit.
Egan, C. E. (1995). Creating Organizational Advantage.
London: Routledge.
Winner of the FT/MCA Best Business Book, 1995.
Egan, C. E. and Thomas, M. J. (1998). The CIM Handbook of Strategic Marketing.
London: Routledge.
Bridgewater, S., & Egan, C. E. (2002). International Marketing Relationships.
Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Egan, C. E. (2021). Ten Years That Shook the (Capitalist) World (2 ed.).
Rugby: Strategic Management Think Tank.
Egan, C. E. (2024). Outside Fortress Europe: Strategies for the Global Market (3 ed.).
Rugby: Strategic Management Think Tank.
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